❄️ Ho hem passat molt bé preparants els kits de nadal per tots els nostres alumnes aquestes festes! (A més a més d’algunes famílies que van comprar kits per regalar!)⠀
I quan comparten les fotos estem encara més Happy! Doncs, compartim algunes fotos de les corones que van fer aquestes festes!! ⠀
❄️ Recordeu, si sou una familia que van rebre un kit teniu acces al nostre COLLAGE FAMILY ONLINE durant 3 mesos!! I estem afegint activitats i recursos cada setmana!⠀
❄️ We had a great time creating the Xmas kits for all of our students this past holiday season! (As well as some families that bought them as gifts!) And we are doubly happy when we receive photos of their creations!! So, here are some photos of the beautiful wreaths created over the holidays! ⠀
❄️ Remember, if you are one of the lucky families to have received a kit, part of the gift was 3-months free access to our Online COLLAGE FAMILY site! We’re adding new activities and resources every week! ⠀