Being able to open our doors again has been a lifesaver, on so many levels, for us, and being able to do so with the support we received during our Collage Needs Your TLC crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe has just been incredible. THANK YOU! ⠀
💓We have seriously been feeling your TLC! ⠀
After having reached our initial goal of 7,000€ overnight, we increased the goal to 10k, and now we’re at 14,000€! Both the financial and emotional support has been enabled us to stay afloat, and receiving so many kind messages from our Collage community and beyond has just really turned this whole scary experience completely around. ⠀
Thank you all for your support, your words of encouragement, your memories and your hopes. The GoFundMe campaign will close at the end of this month, so we are, of course, accepting donations until then! But THANK YOU everyone. Collage is moving forward, doors and heart open, thanks to you.🌈