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Discoveries from our first weeks of classes

A few highlights from our first few weeks of classes! Little Faces busy exploring colours and autumn; Little Actors finding their rhythm as they begin to explore mini scenes and movement; Dynamic English students discussing, planning and then helping to add the finishing touches on our new wall mural (a gorgeous butterfly by @anna_elizabeth_davis_art - a perfect metaphor opening its wings in a corner!), and our native speakers exploring magnets and making compasses!

This year may be a strange, different, and at times complicated, one, but we all find refuge and smiles in watching our students learn, explore and discover English at Collage!


Alguns moments de les nostres primeres setmanes de classes! Little Faces explorant els colors i la tardor; Litlle Actors troben el seu ritme i començant a explorar mini escenes i moviments; Dynamic Englsih han debatat, han planificat i després han adjudat a donar el toc final al nostre nou mural (una preciosa papallona de @anna_elizabeth_davis_art - una metàfora perfecta que obre les ales en un racó!), i els nostres estudiants nadius exploren imants i fabriquen brúixoles.

És cert que aquest any és una mica estrany, diferent i, de vegades, complicat, però tots trobem refugi i somriures en veure com els nostres estudiants aprenen, exploren i descobreixen anglès amb nosaltres!


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