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Magic potions


This year we are bummed to miss our annual Halloween party.😕 We always have such a silly, scary, fun (and exhausting!) time, and though, of course, this year we can’t dress up and come together, it seems sad to simply let Halloween come and go without some celebrating…

So, on that note, over this week we be sharing some fun Halloween activities so we can all do a bit of celebrating at home! And on Friday make sure to dress up and come and ring Collage’s doorbell for some afternoon trick or treating!!

It feels only appropriate to start with MAGIC POTIONS. (We all could use a bit of magic in our lives, couldn’t we?!) We love the open-ended, sensory play that this activity lends itself to, as well as the endless options of what can be added to and created with the magic potion. Older children can decide what their magic potion will do, and can write spell instructions or recipes!

All you need is:

🧪baking soda (bicarbonato)

🧪white vinegar (vinagre blanco)

🧪food colouring (colorante

🧪pipettes or spoons (pipetas o cucharas)

🧪small glass jars or cups (varias jarritas o vasos de vidrio transparentes)

🧪glitter and all “magical” things to add: twigs, leaves, pasta, beans, raisins, etc (purpurina y otras cositas “mágicas” para añadir: ramitas, hojas, pasas, pasta, alubias secas, etc)


Put everything out on a tray (magic is messy!) and mix some vinegar with different colour food colouring in the glass jars.

In another container place some baking soda and then use the pipettes or spoons to spoon in different coloured vinegar.. watch the foamy magic begin!

Add some glitter and then more baking soda, vinegar, glitter, etc. Add more ingredients to your magic potion as it grows!

Allow your children (and yourself!) to ask questions like, what will happen if I mix it all together? If I mix this color with that one? What does it feel/ smell/ sound like? etc etc.


Also, a nice video book to accompany this activity is MEG & MOG MEG’S EGGS


© 2020  COLLAGE 

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