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We're open again and can't wait to see you!!!

A partir de dilluns dia 22 de febrer podem tornar a abrir les nostres portes per a fer classes presencials per a tots i totes els i les alumnes d’infantil i primària!!! Els i les més grans haurien de seguir online, però estem segures que molt aviat podriem tornar TOTS a COLLAGE per aprendre, divertir-nos, jugar, compartir i estar presents tots plegats!! ⠀

Moltes gràcies per tot el vostre support i paciència aquests mesos (i anys!)… We love you and we are so looking forward to seeing you again in Collage!!! ⠀


We are thrilled to announce that starting on Monday, February 22nd Collage’s doors will once again by wide open for in-person classes with our learners between the ages of 3 and 12 (infantil i primària). Our older students will have to continue online for the time being, but we’re very positive that SOON we’re all going to be able to return to Collage to learn, have fun, play, explore and be present with one another once again!! ⠀

Thank you all for your support and patience these past few months (and years!)… We are so grateful for our beautiful community. We love you and can’t wait to see you once again in Collage!!⠀


© 2020  COLLAGE 

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